All-American Basketball Alliance (1978)


Formed: Fall 1977
Folded: First week of February 1978

First Game: January 6, 1978
Final Game: February 2, 1978

Seasons: <One 
States: Seven (Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia)




The All-American Basketball Alliance was a doomed minor league basketball outfit that lasted less than one month in the winter of 1978.

The All-American Basketball Alliance of 1978 is not be confused with the bizarre plan announced by a Georgia-based boxing and wrestling promoter in January 2010 to form a whites-only basketball league in the South also known as the All-America Basketball Alliance.  Needless to say, the universally reviled plan was never pursued beyond the initial press release, although it did attract attention (and ridicule) from everyone from The Daily Show to the NAACP.


All-American Basketball Alliance Franchise List


Franchise, Years Active,

Carolina Lightning, 1978

Georgia Titans, 1978

Indiana Wizards, 1978

Kentucky Stallions, 1978

New York Guard, 1978

Richmond Virginians, 1978

Rochester Zeniths, 1978

West Virginia Wheels, 1978




3 Responses

  1. I was in attendance on opening night in Louisville and I still have my program that lists the rosters of all the teams. I was excited to see so many of the former Pacers from the ABA playing, even though they were slower and older. Too bad the league folded so quickly.

  2. Would love to have a conversation with Richard Pollak about the league. I covered the Indiana Wizards for a local paper during their SHORT season in 1978.

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